Are All Soft Skateboard Wheels the Same?

See why Ricta Clouds are skateboarding's most diverse family of soft wheels.

Skateboarders encounter a wide range of surfaces when they skate. Unless they live near a newly constructed skatepark like those in Southern California or a larger city along the East Coast, skaters must resort to skating crusty driveways, old cement ditches and rough parking lots or streets that have lots of cracks in the asphalt. To keep them moving, one must choose a skateboard wheel that can handle the roughest street or transition terrains. With sizes ranging between 52 to 60mm, Ricta Clouds are the most diverse soft wheel family in skateboarding. Featuring three different durometers - 78a, 86a, 92a - Ricta offers a soft skateboard wheel for every terrain.


Clouds 78a are Ricta's softest all terrain wheel

Capable of rolling over the roughest terrains, Clouds 78a are available in 52, 54, 56 and 60mm providing the perfect sized cruiser wheel for nearly any set up.


Clouds 86a are firm enough for the streets yet soft enough for ditches and more

Available in 53, 55 and 57mm, Weston Sparks takes on the diverse terrain of the Midwest with a set of 53mm Ricta Clouds 86a.


Clouds 92a deliver optimal speed for the crustiest spots

Available in 52, 54 and 56mm, the rough streets of Kansas City can't slow down Maurio McCoy as he blasts a three-sixty flip while riding a set of 52mm Ricta Clouds 92a.